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¿ What if ?

Pour ceux qui ont suivi, j’ai changé récemment de travail. Je vivais depuis 2 ans à Mexico et je désirais ardemment essayer de vivre au Japon. C’est chose faite depuis juin dernier où dans un concours de circonstances plutôt heureuse, j’ai trouvé un nouvel emploi dans une entreprise japonaise au doux nom de Quoine. C’est une fintech basée à Tokyo et à Ho Chi Minh City - ex Saïgon. J’y officie depuis début juillet 2018. Le visa de travail pour le Japon prenant un temps certain et pour démarrer le plus rapidement possible, j’ai eu la possibilité de commencer dans leurs locaux vietnamiens tout frais tout neufs qui ont été baptisés le jour de mon arrivée. Je dois avouer que l’openspace n’est pas mon lieu de travail favori - loin s’en faut - mais le mobilier, la lumière naturelle et artificielle ainsi que le réseau ( Wifi + Ethernet ) qui fonctionne impeccablement forment un ensemble harmonieux qui sonne juste : j’aime beaucoup. Read more

[WiP] cGit or the way to host your own git

Disclaimer ! I enjoyed my Gitlab setup, some years ago … my machine slightly less ! I loved and still love to host my own tools but definitely, Gitlab was getting huge and huge - and for sure not because I was pushing lot of code - and update / upgrade became more and more painfully even if the .deb usage gave me a lot of comfort but well, for my usage, Gitlab was and is still too huge. I don’t want to promote non-OSS software so depending 100% on Github was not an option. GitHub is cool to show you have balls and a dick and you know how to use it but that’s not my cup of tea to promote my sexual life publicly and also, I want to keep my data free from any obscure clause. And recent bought of GitHub by Microsoft gave me confirmation that GH is not a safe place. Read more

Crea ... what ?

Maybe you did not even bother to take a look at the URL but you are now looking at an URL into the domain of I bought this domain late of 2001 as a project I wanted to develop with a friend I meet at Jussieu … and then did not do a lot of it during the last two decades - which are not yet finished but the end is close … I am using it as my main email address since then, so I had to setup a bunch of stuff to make it alive and hosted it directly on internet on a permanent connection. I costed us - and then me - a lot at this time as we were using a dedicated machine - more precisely 2U machines in co-located 42U bay first in Paris and then Redbus in Courbevoie via Absolight running FreeBSD but my last attempt to get a powerful machine at low cost lead me to unreliable situation and lots of stress so I switched to a Dedibox late of the ‘2000, using Linux … So I hosted during these years my stuff on those - first owned and dedicated then co-rented only - machines. Read more


Je suis de 1976 donc plus tout frais mais comme beaucoup de ma génération - ado attardé. Geek dans l’âme, casanier, amateur de manga, passionné par tout mais parcimonieux dans l’effort, pas idiot mais pas génial non plus - loin de là - mon parcourt récent reflète en fait une vieille envie post-master ( sept. 2000 … ) de bouger un peu de France et de travailler mon mauvais anglais. Oui, à cette époque où j’avais déjà 24 ans, je souhaitais travailler aux US ou au Canada. J’avais même assisté à une session à l’ambassade du Canada avec M. l’Ambassadeur du Canada devant nous. Conquit, j’avais passé les “tests” - en gros répondre à un questionnaire qui permet d’obtenir un score - et ma note finale me permettait sans problème d’aller chez nos cousins outre-atlantique. Finalement, un coup de téléphone de mon futur employeur de l’époque avec un bon salaire ( on est en pleine bulle Dot Com ) me proposant un bon poste dans une startup me fera rester sur place - et me prendre de plein fouet rentrée 2001 l’explosion de cette putain de bulle. Read more

What I'd like to provide on my blog ?

Disclaimer ! I am not a genius, nor smart, nor talented. I am stupid but - hopefully - I am curious - that saved me for sure ! I enjoy to add these title to my profiles : YARD: Yet Another Random Developer CoN: Chief of Nothing - con is a french word meaning pandejo in Spanish or asshole in English So what man ? I really enjoy PostgreSQL, Unix and system. As I said I am curious, so also I try to follow stuff but above a certain layer, I have to confess, I am not so much interested … I am strongly disagree with Java and Javascript languages and I suspect OOP to add more problems than it claims to solve. I would love to learn functional programming, just lack of talent as said previously did not help … I love details, I love system, I love algorithmic ( even if I did not touch it for years … ) and I enjoy people when they are not living in Paris and are humble and don’t use the I in every sentences they pronounce ! Read more

Fresh Start !

Hi ! This is the very first post in this space … and it’s not related to tech ! No, I am going to write about me … So … … if I am looking back on my recent years, I have to confess that I am lucky. The project to work abroad I had when I was graduated in Sept. 2000 got stuck as I was looking at Québec at this time and Dot Com crisis hit violently the working market shortly after in 2001-2002 … and then I forgot it but fire was not totally extinguish … By having the chance to join Leboncoin - Schibsted Group in Jan. 2010, I was excited to work for an international group ( Europe, Asia, LATAM ) but sadly, as cooperation was already a reality for marketing people, tech community was only useful hands to act for the first class employee : marketing. Read more